University Council
The University Council is headed by the president of the university and has the following in its membership:
- Professor Mohanad Ismael Alfiras, President of the University
- Dr. Hesham Mohamed Elmarsafawy, VP Academic Affairs.
- Dr. Zuhair Al Ani, COO.
- Dr. Osama Yaseen Alrawi, Dean, College of Engineering.
- Dr. Sherif Badran, Dean, College of CMT.
- Dr. Mahmoud Alzgool, Dean, College of AFS.
- Prof. Firas Mohamad, Dean, College of Law.
- Dr. Rumpa Roy, Director of QADC.
- Dr. Mohammed Alshekhly, Chair of Research Council, Secretary of University Council.
- Dr. Mohammed Aldawas, Chair of Community Engagement and Continues learning.
- Dr. Baligh Beshr, Faculty Representative.
- Ms. Baraa Al Samarai, Head of A&R Unit.
- Mr. Abdulla Imad, Head of Student Services Unit.
- Mr. Ahmed Sameer, Chair of Students Council.
- Skylights for Design Studios + Solar Panels for energy efficiency.
- Fabric Façade and Lighting sensors for whole GU main building.
- Solar Panels and GU Green Roof Project,
- Photometric sensors and windows’ actuators for daylight optimization.
- Water recycling solutions; self watering systems for GU green areas.
- GU main building Green Roof.
- Compactors + Composters designed and produced using recycled materials at GU.
- The “Objects’ Clinic” at GU, for products’ life cycle extension.
- Transport: “GU Carpooling Mobile App”.
- In coordination with Community Engagement & Continuous Learning Center, up to 35 Community Service Workshops conducted by Academic Staff and Admin Staff / per year.
- In coordination with Community Engagement & Continuous Learning Center, up to 15 site visits to associations and organizations involved in Community Service / per year.
- Events and competitions relevant to sustainability “The “3R’s” GU Event”, “SDGs GU Competition”.
- New life for 50 computers recycled for internal use / for donation.
- Promoting research, collaborative projects and participative approaches relevant to sustainability.
- Impact and radiance on the immediate environment, direct and indirect.
- Research on Sustainable Projects: Initiatives and Ongoing Actions:
- Proposed – Fabric Facade Project(testing, analysis, simulation, experiments, validation software…ext.); the proposal presented by the Netherlands consultant partner,
- Proposed – Ongoing Green corridors.
- Proposed – Greenhouses between the Design Studios.
- Proposed – Ongoing Green Roof Project.
- Proposed – Ongoing Main Entrance Green Lobby.
- Optimizing energy efficiency, designing efficient daylighting systems, developing water recycling solutions and considering “GU building” life cycle assessment based on scientific research.
- Make the GU building landmark in the surrounding socio-cultural environment.
- Develop new architectural style more attractive and sustainable to increase the number of registered students.
- Provide a positive impact of the campus interior environments on the wellbeing and comfort of both staff and the students.
- Creating a scientific value for the statistic data available about the implemented solutions for thermal insulation, cooling loads & natural ventilation, insulating materials currently used at GU buildings, and self-sufficiency solutions.
- Real sustainable practice implementation on the campus facilities and build environments.
- Supporting research collaboration at institutional levels (initiated research collaboration with Brunel University – UK).
- The expected research collaboration could be in terms of:
- Co-development of the required testing & experiments and validation of the simulations phase.
- Proposed ideas for the technical installation and feasibility studies.
- Collaboration on the implementation phase and research on relevant engineering processes.
- Publish research based on the implemented processes, selected projects and technologies employed.

Prof. Mohanad Alfiras
President of the University
Dr. Hesham Al-Marsafawy
VP Academic Affairs
Dr. Zuhair Alani
Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Osama Al-Rawi
Dean, College of Engineering
Dr. Sherif Badran
Dean, College of CMT
Prof. Firas Mohamad
Dean, College of Law
Dr. Mahmoud Alzgool
Dean of College of AFS
Dr. Rumpa Roy
Director of QADC, Secretary of University Council
Dr. Mohammed Alshekhly
Chair of Research Council
Dr. Mohammed Dawwas
Chair of CECL
Dr. Baligh Bashr
Faculty Representative
Ms. Baraa Al-Samarai
Head of A&R Unit
Mr. Abdulla Imad
Head of Student Services Unit
Mr. Ahmed Sameer Alalaiwi
Chair of Students CouncilLast Updated on November 19, 2024 @ 10:28:02 am