Center Activities

    • Developing university strategic plan and operational plan
    • Monitoring progress against University KPIs
    • Preparing university annual report
    • Planning and leading the staff professional development activities.
    • Providing training and workshops to develop the skills and competences of staff.
    • Managing orientation sessions for new staff
    • Organizing external training for staff
    • Conducting regular quality assurance reviews to ensure adherence with the University policies and procedures.
    • Preparing and communicating quality audit reports with university management and audited units
    • Prepare reports in coordination with the performance measurement office to support evidence based decision making.
    • Developing and implementing appropriate and effective tracking mechanisms to measure the performance of the staff and University units.
    • Providing accurate and up-to-date data and analysis that defines the actual performance against the planned and targeted standards.
    • Performing extensive analysis and reporting to assist the University with evidence-driven strategic decision-making and best day-to-day operations.
  • Identifying potential accreditations and manages the application process by coordinating with relevant departments across the university.
  • Preparing the institution for national and international accreditation and supports the colleges in preparing for program accreditation
  • Applying to be listed in different rankings, monitor University rankings , set and implement plans to enhance university position across different rankings.